SFM Feed in the Streets MEAL PREP
Mon, Mar 27
|Location is at your home
Salty Farm Ministries needs volunteers to make sandwiches & hot dogs for our displaced friends.

Time & Location
Mar 27, 2023, 3:00 PM – 4:00 PM
Location is at your home
About the event
SFM can supply the food and supplies (baggies, aluminum foil & gloves for food prep) or you can donate the items. We provide a choice of sandwich (peanut butter & jelly OR hot dog) to our displaced friends. We ask that you make 24 hotdogs and 11 peanut butter & jelly sandwiches (one loaf of Great Value Sandwich bread makes 11 sandwiches). In order for the hot dogs to stay warm, please make them as close to pick up time as possible and wrap them in aluminum foil. Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches can be made anytime prior to pick up. We will pick up sandwiches at 4pm.
You may also contribute other food items to the ministry for the day if interested. Other items served include individual bags of chips, snack cake (honey bun, oatmeal cream pie, brownies, swiss rolls, moon pies, etc), bottled water, bananas, and clementines/mandarin oranges. Please let us know if you plan to provide food, what kind, and how much. We are feeding estimated 35 at this time.
**Wearing gloves during meal prep is required by the Health Department**